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the G.o.r.g.e.o.u.s. woman bible study

The truth is that I simply love women! And I take it as a privilege to be able to share my faith with you, and the principles that have guided me my entire life, it seems.

Based on this passion, I created a women’s Bible Study, called “The G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. Woman. The study is taken from a study of several women from the Bible, as well as several modern-day women (like my mentor mentioned above) that embody the spirit of being G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. It has truly become more than a Bible Study. It has become a movement!

The study teaches that women of God are many things, and through His power and grace, nothing is impossible! The word G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. simply means that as a woman of God, you are called to be:

  • Goal-oriented (go after your goals without fear)

  • On fire (live life with passion)

  • Real (be authentic)

  • Gracious (be kind and forgiving)

  • EMPOWERED (come alive in Christ)

  • Open-minded (be humble and willing to learn)

  • Uplifting (helping others along the way)

  • Spirit-filled (walk in the power of the Spirit)

Gorgeous Woman Bible Study Book

To get involved, you may purchase a copy of the Bible Study on Amazon by clicking the button below. Please also click this link and join our online Facebook Group of sisters. There you can join hundreds of other sisters who are growing together on their faith journey. Or, you can just stop by and explore. Either way, I know that it will be a blessing to you.


Thank you for allowing me to encourage your faith!

With love and blessings,



"great inspirational woman of god"

"I am just going to speak for all the women in the gorgeous women group or Bible study group. You are a great leader and a great inspirational woman of God, phenomenal coach, the list can go on."


"As women of faith seeking to draw near to the Lord, this study reaches deep into the heart. I would highly recommend this study for women who want to grow spiritually and become as G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. as God has planned."

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