Regret is a weird word isn’t it? It makes you feel strange and weepy somewhat, sorry almost.
Have you ever seen those commercials where the older version of you tells the younger version that it’s going to be alright if you take certain steps?
Wouldn’t it be great if that was possible in real life? Imagine being able to talk to an eighty year old version of you; to be able to know what roads to travel and which ones to avoid.
Well, we know that isn’t possible (at least not yet -:), but you can accomplish the same thing by listening to what others have said when they look back on life. By far, one of the greatest things that haunt us at the end of our lives is the things we left undone.
Whether out of fear, procrastination or plain old excuses – we universally regret the chances we did not take. Life is not a dress rehearsal. You have one life, and you owe it to yourself and your Creator to live the best one that you can. You owe it to yourself to step up and stop playing small. You have God’s permission and God’s command to shine your light!
I want you to stop and think this week about something important you’d like to accomplish, but haven’t started. Then I want you to project ahead to future you, perhaps at 80 years old.
How do you feel about not doing it?
That feeling is called regret, and you can stop it in its tracks right now! You are alive and you have the power to shape your own destiny.
This year I did something afraid. I did something I've put off for a long time. I finally moved past my own doubt and fears and launched my first ever GORGEOUS Woman Conference!
(Yay!!!) 😊😊😊
I did not have ALL the answers to my questions.
I do not know what the outcome will be. I do not have a ton of sign-ups (yet)!
What I did have going for me was my little faith and God's Big Presence. I also had the support of my family and a group of sisters who have been supporting the GORGEUOS Woman Journey for differing lengths, but with pure love and dedication.
Once I jumped in, I did not second guess my decision. And God has been faithful! He's provided so much in such a short period of time to see this vision become a reality.
Please do not allow fear and doubt to keep you from your own dreams and goals any longer. Believe in God and in yourself, and make that decision! Take action on your dreams today. Resolve right now that you will die with no regrets.
And please join us in Charlotte, NC for our First Annual GORGEOUS Woman Conference Tour in October 2022! I would love to see you there and to give you a big hug! You can get more information by clicking the button below.
Let's run together after the dreams God has placed in our hearts with no regrets!
Love and blessings,